b'Organization Bylawsduties of the Presidents office will be assumed by a President pro-term, elected by such members of the Council as are present.7.The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the minutes of the meeting of The Society and Executive Council, receive and care for all records belonging to The Society, and conduct correspondence of The Society. This office shall issue to all members a written report of the preceding years transactions to be read to the Executive Council and membership at the annual assembly. The office shall also receive all funds belonging to The Society, pay all bills, render bills for dues and assessments and report to the Executive Council at each annual meeting the names of all members in arrears as to dues. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also prepare an annual report for audit.8.The Recorder shall serve as The Society Associate Editor for the Annals of Vascular Surgery and carry out the duties of the Associate Editor as designated by the Annals of Vascular Surgery. The Recorder shall encourage authors who presented at the annual meeting to submit a manuscript of the Annals of Vascular Surgery within the designated time-period and provide a report to The Society at the annual business meeting of those who submitted manuscripts, the accepted manuscripts and the rejected manuscripts.ARTICLE IICOMMITTEES1.The standing committees of The Society shall consist of the Executive Council, the Membership Committee (composed of the Membership Chairperson and Officers), the Nominating Committee (composed of the three most recent available past Presidents), the Audit Committee (composed of the three Councilors-at-large), and the Program Committee (composed of the Program Chairperson, their selected assistant, the President and the second President-Elect.)2.The Audit Committee consists of the three Councilors-at-large. This committee will review the account books of the Secretary-Treasurer.3.Other committees may be designated by the President with advice of the Executive Council.4.All committees shall be chaired by a member appointed by the President.ARTICLE IIIELECTION OF MEMBERS1.Membership in The Society shall be limited to surgeons of good professional standing, who have a major interest in and devote the majority of their practice to vascular surgery.2.Applicants must be certified in Vascular Surgery by the American Board of Surgery (ABS). In select cases, equivalent training and certification from other boards or foreign training programs may be substituted for certification by the ABS.3.Since a major function of this Society will be continuing education and 118SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA VASCULAR SURGICAL SOCIETY'